Higgins Warner

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Argentina should deport Emile Max Higgins to Jamaica!!!

The disgrace of Emile Maxim St. Patrick Higgins is not enough, Argentina should deport Emile Max Higgins back to Jamaica!!!

Emile Maxim St. Patrick Higgins
Emile Maxim St. Patrick Higgins
Emile Maxim St. Patrick Higgins
Emile Maxim St. Patrick Higgins

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List of persons involved as shown on the website under EXECUTIVE positions


Emile Maxim St. Patrick Higgins - President, CEO, Chairman, Treasurer, International General Counsel of Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol S.A, Max Higgins International S.A and Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Kenrick Gordon Gilpin - Senior Executive Vice-President/Vice-Chairman of Higgins Warner Group World Wide.

Sandra Zapata De Higgins - Board Director for Higgins Warner Group World Wide and Walt Disney Mundo S.A of Argentina.

Ignacio Leandro Di Ranni - Vice-President of Operations for Higgins Warner Group World Wide and World Football Idol.

Ignacio Emilio Crespo - Vice-President of Operations for Higgins Warner Group World Wide and World Football Idol

Christian Leonardo Coccia - Vice-President of Accounting and Accounting Director

Cristina Alejandra Estrella - Vice-President of Acquisitions and International Corporate Affairs.

Irene Benedetti - Vice-President of Marketing, Promoting, Sales and Distribution for Higgins Warner Group World Wide, Board Director, Max Higgins International S.A, World Football Idol S.A, Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc

Daiana Gisele Gallardo - Company Secretary of Higgins Warner Group World Wide.

Sonia Elizabeth Medina - Director of International Business Affairs and Investor Relations for Higgins Warner Group World Wide

Aletha Gilpin - Executive Administrator for Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol, Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Ana Rosa Martinez Ghisi - Special Assistant to the President and Dupty Company Secretary to the Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol, Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Jose Luis Alcalde - Chief of Intelligence for the Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol and Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Elizabeth Pascual Ambertin - Assistant Vice-President (Africa & China markets)

Emile Maxim St. Patrick Higgins- President, CEO, Chairman, Treasurer, International General Counsel of Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol S.A, Max Higgins International S.A and Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Kenrick Gordon Gilpin- Senior Executive Vice-President/Vice-Chairman of Higgins Warner Group World Wide.

Sandra Zapata De Higgins- Board Director for Higgins Warner Group World Wide and Walt Disney Mundo S.A of Argentina.

Ignacio Leandro Di Ranni- Vice-President of Operations for Higgins Warner Group World Wide and World Football Idol.

Ignacio Emilio Crespo- Vice-President of Operations for Higgins Warner Group World Wide and World Football Idol

Christian Leonardo Coccia- Vice-President of Accounting and Accounting Director

Cristina Alejandra Estrella- Vice-President of Acquisitions and International Corporate Affairs.

Irene Benedetti- Vice-President of Marketing, Promoting, Sales and Distribution for Higgins Warner Group World Wide, Board Director, Max Higgins International S.A, World Football Idol S.A, Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc

Daiana Gisele Gallardo- Company Secretary of Higgins Warner Group World Wide.

Sonia Elizabeth Medina- Director of International Business Affairs and Investor Relations for Higgins Warner Group World Wide

Aletha Gilpin- Executive Administrator for Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol, Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Ana Rosa Martinez Ghisi- Special Assistant to the President and Dupty Company Secretary to the Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol, Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Jose Luis Alcalde- Chief of Intelligence for the Higgins Warner Group World Wide, World Football Idol and Walt Disney Mundo S.A, Inc.

Elizabeth Pascual Ambertin - Assistant Vice-President (Africa & China markets)


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